Ziraat Bank

Helping Turkey’s largest bank reinvent itself as a digital leader

Established in 1863, Ziraat Bank is not only the largest bank in Turkey and boasts operations across 18 countries. With our profound expertise in the banking sector, Ziraat Bank selected us to lead a pivotal role in its extensive digital transformation initiative.

Discovery, Research, and UX Design

Our engagement began with an in-depth discovery and research phase, during which we meticulously analyzed customer interactions across all digital touchpoints. This phase culminated in the redesign of the user experience for the bank’s customer-facing digital assets, enhancing usability and engagement.

Omni-Channel UI Design

We crafted a new digital identity for Ziraat Bank, developing an omni-channel user interface concept that unifies the user experience across all direct banking channels. This design ensures a consistent and seamless interaction for users, whether they are using online banking, mobile apps, or other digital services.

Website and CMS Implementation

Our team redesigned the bank’s website and implemented it on Microsoft’s SharePoint CMS platform. This overhaul not only improved the aesthetic and functional aspects of the website but also enhanced its scalability and security features.

Direct Banking Channels

We undertook a comprehensive redesign of the bank's direct banking channels, including online banking, mobile banking, mobile wallet, and ATM interfaces. Our front-end engineering efforts have resulted in a more intuitive and user-friendly experience across these platforms.

We continue supporting the bank’s digital leadership ambitions by undertaking innovative applications that redefine customer interactions for enhanced efficiency and engagement.

The Farmers’ Platform

We helped the bank create "The Farmers’ Platform," an innovative mobile app developed for the bank’s 1M+ agricultural sector customers. This comprehensive app was designed to support Turkey's agricultural community by simplifying operations, enhancing transaction capabilities with integrated payment services, and promoting sustainable practices.

The application features modules for marketplace activities, bank account management, business operations including plant health and irrigation, budget tracking, market price listings, and insurance options, all developed using ReactNative and .NET Core with a microservices architecture.


Leveraging our True OmniChannel™ Banking Platform, we designed and developed a suite of web and mobile applications, code-named OPI (for Operational Innovation), that streamline payment and collection processes for the bank's commercial clients. Through OPI, clients can execute orders, including money transfers and tax payments, by uploading document images, eliminating the need for branch visits. The platform supports bulk transactions and features robust authorization and approval functionalities.

We designed OPI using .NET Core and React technologies within a microservice architecture, integrating seamlessly with the bank's core systems. We also led the UX & UI design, leveraging the design system we’ve created for the bank’s broader digital transformation.