Kensington Mortgages

Reinventing the UK’s leading specialist lender website

Established in 1995, Kensington Mortgages has become a foremost specialist mortgage lender dedicated to underwriting mortgages for clients with intricate financial backgrounds and unique situations. These clients often need tailored, individualised underwriting solutions. Kensington selected our team to design and develop their innovative new website.

The project commenced with a comprehensive discovery phase. During this phase, we conducted a detailed audit of the experiences of various users, including customers, intermediaries, and call center staff. We also performed an in-depth benchmark analysis against industry competitors to ensure a competitive edge.

Our team then moved forward with the design and construction of Kensington’s new website. The platform was developed using Sitefinity Enterprise Content Management System (CMS), known for its robust capabilities and flexibility. This choice facilitated a smooth integration of advanced features tailored to enhance user engagement and improve overall user experience.

The resulting website not only met the unique needs of Kensington’s diverse clientele but also set a new standard in the industry for user-centric design and functionality.